Profiling-HOWTO v1.1, 02 July 2001 This HOWTO describes how to use the availabe profiling tools on various machines. Currently only SGI, but more to come. 1) SGI: perfex, SpeedShop (ssrun), cvperf The SGI's R10000 and R12000 processors include counters that can be used to count the frequency of events during the execution of a program. The information returned by the counters can be helpful in optimizing the program. The perfex(1) and ssrun(1) commands provide convenient interfaces to hardware counter information. 1.1) perfex The R10000 processor supplies two performance counters for counting certain hardware events. Each counter can track one event at a time and there are a choice of sixteen events per counter, the interesting ones are listed here, for all others, see "man perfex". 21 = Graduated floating point instructions: Incremented when a graduated floating-point instruction is issued. 25 = Primary (L1) data cache misses Incremented when the next data item is not in primary data cache. 26 = Secondary (L2) data cache misses Incremented when the next data item is not in secondary data cache. You can either profile for a specific event or multiplex over all events (rotating through all available events in the course of the simulation). USAGE: origin%> perfex -a -y -o YourProfileLog mpirun -np 1 ./cactus_test BH.par FLAGS: -a Multiplexes over all events, projecting totals. Not an accurate way of looking at the individual events. -e event Profile with respect to a specific event (eg. -e 21) -o file Redirect output to file -y In addition the event counts and cost estimates, perfex -y also reports a number of statistics derived from the typical costs. Again, the more interesting ones: - MFLOPS (MB/s, average per process) This is the ratio of the graduated floating-point instructions and the total program run time. Note that while a multiply-add carries out two floating-point operations, it only counts as one instruction, so this statistic may underestimate the number of floating-point operations per second. - Primary Data Cache Hit Rate This is the fraction of data accesses that are satisfied from a cache line already resident in the primary data cache. It is calculated as 1.0 - (primary data cache misses divided by the sum of graduated loads and graduated stores). Cactus: numbers are usually in the rage of 0.9 - Secondary Data Cache Hit Rate Cactus: good are values around 0.95, bad are numbers below 0.8 SAMPLE OUTPUT: Based on 195 MHz IP27 MIPS R10000 CPU CPU revision 2.x Typical Minimum Maximum Event Counter Name Counter Value Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec) =================================================================================================================== 0 Cycles...................................................... 62679489248 321.433278 321.433278 321.433278 16 Cycles...................................................... 62679489248 321.433278 321.433278 321.433278 23 TLB misses.................................................. 233159152 81.414393 81.414393 81.414393 26 Secondary data cache misses................................. 208468880 80.714874 52.769353 89.801979 25 Primary data cache misses................................... 1225390240 56.619313 17.721028 56.619313 2 Issued loads................................................ 9389560512 48.151592 48.151592 48.151592 21 Graduated floating point instructions....................... 7813471184 40.069083 20.034541 2083.592316 Statistics ========================================================================================= Graduated instructions/cycle................................................ 0.458026 L1 Data Cache Hit Rate...................................................... 0.874912 L2 Data Cache Hit Rate...................................................... 0.829876 MFLOPS (average per process)................................................ 24.308221 To get an impression of your programm, looking at the statistics of the -y output will be enough. To get a better understanding where certain events accumulate and slow a programm down, use SpeedShop. 1.2) SpeedShop (ssrun) ssrun is used by the SpeedShop and WorkShop performance tools to establish an environment to capture performance data for an executable, to create a process from the executable (or an instrumented version), and to run the process. Capturing specific performance data is called an "experiment". You can only query for one event per session. After collecting the performance data, ssrun either writes it to a file or makes it available to WorkShop for display by the cvperf(1) user interface. SAMPLE USAGE: origin%> ssrun -dsc_hwc mpirun -np 1 ./cactus_kopitz Kopitz.par FLAGS: -exp_type Specifies the type of experiment to run. The value of exp_type specifies the particular performance data that will be recorded during the run. A list of the more important experiments (see "man ssrun" for all) totaltime Measures inclusive and exclusive wallclock time spent in each function while your program runs. Exclusive means only counting the time spend in a routine. Inlcusive means also couting the time spend in subroutines. usertime Measures CPU time, which includes both the time your program is actually running and the time the system is providing services for your program, such as executing system calls. It excludes the time your program is waiting to execute ideal Uses instrumentation to count the number of times each basic block is executed, and then estimates the best possible time your program could achieve. heap Traces the allocation and deallocation of memory. dsc_hwc Counts overflows of the secondary data cache miss counter. The following example gathers data for a SpeedShop usertime experiment: origin%>mpirun -np 1 ssrun -usertime ./cactus_kopitz Kopitz.par The ssrun command will generate files, which are named .., for example: cactus_kopitz.usertime.f1177571 cactus_kopitz.usertime.m1178563 You can transform the raw data of this experiment to formatted output by using the "prof" command. Here we look at an experiment which measured the usertime of the simulation.(Use the "f" file for this). origin%>prof cactus_kopitz.usertime.f1177571 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpeedShop profile listing generated Tue Jul 3 11:20:12 2001 prof cactus_kopitz.usertime.f1177571 cactus_kopitz (n64): Target program usertime: Experiment name ut:cu: Marching orders R10000 / R10010: CPU / FPU 64: Number of CPUs 195: Clock frequency (MHz.) Experiment notes-- From file cactus_kopitz.usertime.f1177571: Caliper point 0 at target begin, PID 1177571 /data/lanfer/Cactus/Cactus/exe/cactus_kopitz Kopitz.par Caliper point 1 at exit(0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of statistical callstack sampling data (usertime)-- 4948: Total Samples 124: Samples with incomplete traceback 148.440: Accumulated Time (secs.) 30.0: Sample interval (msecs.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function list, in descending order by exclusive time ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [index] excl.secs excl.% cum.% incl.secs incl.% samples procedure (dso: file, line) [15] 89.490 60.3% 60.3% 91.590 61.7% 3053 adm_bssn_sources (cactus_kopitz: Sources.f, 1) [27] 13.590 9.2% 69.4% 13.590 9.2% 453 __pow ( pow.c, 256) [28] 13.080 8.8% 78.3% 13.170 8.9% 439 admconstraints (cactus_kopitz: ADMConstraints.f, 1) [25] 7.320 4.9% 83.2% 19.770 13.3% 659 stencil_brbr (cactus_kopitz: stencil.c, 228) This result is interesting, because a significant amount of time was spend in the __pow function. To investigate from where these calls were made, use cvprof. 1.3) cvprof Rerun the profiling with the -workshop option and start cvperf with the generated logfile. (Use ls -t to look at the last written files.) origin%>mpirun -np 1 ssrun -workshop -usertime ./cactus_kopitz Kopitz.par origin%>cvperf cactus_kopitz.usertime.f1180090 After cvperf has started up, do the following: Config->Preferences: check "Display Data As" : Percentages check the data you want to display: Incl.Total Time / **Excl. Percentage** / Excl.TotalTime Config->Sort check "Sort Function Lists by": Excl.Percentage The upper window will list the time spend in the individual routine. Double clicking on the routine will open a window with the source code. A yellow bar will indicate the cumulation of the profiling events. In our case, the __pow system function is listed at second place. To find out where a routine -here pow() - is called from, single-click the respective function and click the "ShowNode" button below. CallGraph: The CallGraph opens in a separate window. Click on "Butterfly" to show the conncetion graphs of all routines which make references to pow. The percentage of routine references is indicated as well. A double click on a routine-box will open a window showing the corresponding source file. SourceWindow: To search for the occurence of "pow", use CTRL-S (or File->Search) type "pow". The occurences of the search string are highlighted in the scrollbar.