ComputationalToolKit-HOWTO Gabrielle Allen v1.1, 13 September 2000 This document is designed to give a brief overview of the capabilities of the Cactus Computational ToolKit (CCTK). The intent is that it will be useful for those starting to write thorns for applications, by indicating where to find information on things like setting the timestep, getting IO, and using boundary conditions. This document will be complemented at some stage by a complete guide to the ToolKit, and it is planned that this toolkit guide will be created automatically from the documentation already available in each thorn. This document is only planned as an overview, for more information consult the documentation in the /doc directory of each thorn. We are continually working at the documentation, so please send us an email at when details are missing, and we'll add them straightaway. Please help us to keep this documentation complete and up-to-date by sending complaints, suggestions and errata to the Cactus Team at ============================================================================ A. What is the Cactus Computational ToolKit ? The Cactus Computational ToolKit is not required for compiling or running Cactus. The toolkit is a collection of thorns which provide much of the basic infrastructure needed for any simulation. For example, there are thorns for setting up coordinates, for parallel IO and parallel interpolators as well as example application thorns. You do not have to use the supplied toolkit thorn for e.g. creating Cartesian coordinates. As with any other thorn you can replace it with your own coordinate thorn. ============================================================================ B. Capabilities 1. "Driver Thorn" The Cactus flesh knows all the information about grid variables which is supplied in the configuration files of each thorn. The flesh holds this information in a database. However, the flesh doesn't "create" grid variables, this is the job of a driver thorn. A driver thorn is necessary for any simulation, among other tasks, it sets up grid variables, allocating their storage, distributing them among processors for a parallel run, and handles communications of ghostzones between processors. The standard driver for Cactus is CactusPUGH/PUGH, which uses MPI for communications and can handle all data types supported by the Cactus Flesh. 2. Cartesian Coordinates The toolkit thorn CactusBase/CartGrid3D sets up, at the start of the simulation, a 3D Cartesian coordinate system on the computational grid. The coordinates can be specified in several different ways, for example by giving their maximum and minumum values on the grid (ByRange) or by specifying the grid spacing in each direction (BySpacing). The coordinates are created as four 3D grid functions x,y,z and the radial coordinate r, and are "public" variables, so are passed into all scheduled routines in thorns which inherit from CartGrid3D. CartGrid3D can also be used to define and use grids with symmetries. This is useful for problems whose solutions are known to possess symmetries across the coordinate axes. For example, you can specify octant symmetry to indicate that you want symmetry boundary conditions to be applied to grid functions on the lower grid boundaries. Symmetry boundary conditions can only be applied to grid variables which have defined their behaviour across a coordinate axis, and the conditions are applied by making function calls to routines in the CartGrid3D thorn. There are plans to add thorns to set up Cartesian, and Polar, grids for other spatial dimensions. 3. Timestep At each iteration the current time is updated in the Flesh by adding on the current value of the timestep. The values of the current time and timestep are internal Cactus variables, cctk_time and cctk_delta_time, which are passed to all scheduled routines as part of the CCTK_ARGUMENTS macro. The Computational Toolkit contains a thorn CactusBase/Time which is usually used to set the timestep, either once at the start of the simulation, or dynamically before each evolution step (using a Courant type condition). You do not need to use thorn Time to set the timestep, you are free to set the timestep yourself, using one of the two following methods: * Write your own code/routine/thorn to set the timestep, by simply setting the value of cctk_delta_time. Make sure that the timestep is set at the appropriate point in the schedule tree. [Note that from C, you will need to set *cctk_delta_time] * You don't have to use cctk_delta_time at all! Perform your own time management by using grid variables e.g. MyTimeStep and MyTime. The Cactus cctk_delta_time will default to the value 1, and the the Cactus cctk_time will thus default to the iteration number. Note that performing your own time management will have implications for other thorns which are using Cactus time, for example the IO thorns in the Computational ToolKit. 4. Outer Boundary Conditions The Computational ToolKit provide a number of different boundary conditions which can be applied to grid functions, and are accessed by making function calls, these are contained in the thorn CactusBase/Boundary. [An exception is periodic boundary conditions, which are implemented in a driver thorn, e.g. CactusPUGH/PUGH. Periodic boundary conditions can be implemented in any coordinate direction, and are currently applied to all boundary conditions. The implementation of periodic boundary conditions may change in the future, to make them callable for specific grid functions in the same way as outer outer boundary conditions.] If you look at the source code in these routines they look complicated because of two reasons: * They must take into account parallelism, which means that before a boundary condition is applied there is code to check that the boundary of the local grid is a real boundary and not just a processor boundary * They also work for grids which have symmetry boundaries (e.g. for just an octant), which means that they also check that a boundary is not a symmetry boundary before they apply the condition. If you want to use a boundary condition which is not available in thorn Boundary, it should be a straightforward matter to add it by copying part of the code from this thorn. Alternatively, write to, and if we think the boundary condition would be useful for other people we will add it. 5. Output Output from Cactus is usually achieved by choices in the parameter file. After each iteration in Cactus, each IO method which is compiled into your executable will be prompted to perform output, depending on the values of its own parameters. IO methods supplied in the Computational ToolKit all (with the current exception of CactusPUGHIO/IsoSurfacer), use the thorn CactusBase/IOUtil, which acts as a "flesh" for IO thorns, providing a standard set of default parameters. The different IO methods in Cactus, are described in the documentation for CactusBase/IOUtil. It can be useful to call output routines directly from Cactus, for example for debugging purposes. If you want to do this, look at the IO section in the Thorn Writers part of the Users Guide. If you want to provide your own output, start by looking at thorn CactusBase/IOASCII. 6. Reduction and Interpolation Thorns which provide reduction or interpolation operations register their capabilities with the Flesh. These operators are then applied to grid variables (and also local variables) by calling a standard API (described in the Users Guide) which includes the name of the operation required. The Computational ToolKit provides reduction operators to return the minimum, maximum and L1 and L2 norms of variables. These reduction operators are provided in CactusPUGH/PUGH. Interpolation routines are supplied by CactusPUGH/Interp. ============================================================================ C. ToolKit Arrangements As described in the Users Guide, thorns are collected in groups called arrangements for organisational purposes. The arrangements making up the Cactus Computational ToolKit are CactusBase General computational infrastructure thorns CactusBench Benchmarking applications CactusElliptic Thorns providing Elliptic Solver infrastructure and solvers CactusExamples Example applications CactusExternal External packages which can be included as thorns and thus compiled during the standard cactus make process. CactusIO Thorns providing IO methods independent of a particular driver thorn. CactusPUGH The standard driver thorn PUGH, and other thorns which require PUGH explicitly. CactusPUGHIO Thorns providing input/output methods which require the standard driver thorn PUGH explicitly CactusTest Thorns which test out various parts of the Cactus infrastructure, also providing examples of usage. CactusWave Standard example application, which we use for testing new functionality, demos and tutorials. ============================================================================ D. ToolKit Thorns Here the ToolKit thorns are briefly described. We also list the dependencies of thorns in the Computational ToolKit with other thorns. It is important to note that, allow here actual thorn names are listed in the "requires" section, they can be replaced by any other thorn providing the same implementation. Here the Computational ToolKit thorn names are only given for convenience for the reader. Note that two of the thorns require external libraries to be installed on your system for compilation, CactusElliptic/EllPETSc requires the PETSc library, and CactusPUGHIO/IOHDF5 requires the HDF5 library. CactusBase/ CactusBase/Boundary - range of outer boundary conditions CactusBase/CartGrid3D - 3D Cartesian coordinates, symmetry conditions CactusBase/IOASCII (requires IOUtil, PUGHSlab) - 1D or 2D ASCII output CactusBase/IOBasic (requires IOUtil, PUGHReduce) - Screen or Scalar output CactusBase/IOUtil - the "flesh" for IO thorns CactusBase/Time - sets the timestep CactusBench/ CactusBench/BenchADM (requires Einstein) - benchmark using a floating point intensive GR application CactusElliptic/ CactusElliptic/EllBase - the "flesh" for elliptic thorns CactusElliptic/EllPETSc (requires the PETSc library, EllBase) - 3D elliptic solver using the PETSc library CactusElliptic/EllSOR (requires EllBase, Boundary) - standard 3D SOR solvers CactusElliptic/EllTest (requires CartGrid3D, EllBase) - example thorn CactusExamples/ CactusExamples/WaveToy1DF77 - self contained scalar wave application in 1D CactusExamples/WaveToy2DF77 - self contained scalar wave application in 2D CactusIO/ CactusIO/IOJpeg - output of 2D slices in jpeg format CactusPUGH/ CactusPUGH/Interp - interpolation operators CactusPUGH/PUGH - MPI parallel driver CactusPUGH/PUGHReduce - reduction operators CactusPUGH/PUGHSlab - extracts custom hyperslabs of grid functions CactusPUGHIO/ CactusPUGHIO/IOFlexIO (requires PUGHSlab, IEEEIO) - 2D or 3D output using IEEEIO data format CactusPUGHIO/IOHDF5 (requires the HDF5 library) - 3D output using the HDF5 data format CactusPUGHIO/IsoSurfacer - calculate isosurfaces of grid functions CactusTest/ CactusTest/TestArrays - test of grid arrays CactusTest/TestComplex - test of complex data types CactusTest/TestCoordinates - test of coordinate registration CactusTest/TestInclude1 - test of include file mechanism CactusTest/TestInclude2 - test of include file mechanism CactusTest/TestInterp - test of interpolation CactusWave/ CactusWave/IDScalarWave (requires a WaveToyXX thorn, CartGrid3D) - initial data for 3D scalar wave application (F90) CactusWave/IDScalarWaveC (requires a WaveToyXX thorn, CartGrid3D) - initial data for 3D scalar wave application (C) CactusWave/IDScalarWaveCXX(requires a WaveToyXX thorn, CartGrid3D) - initial data for 3D scalar wave application (C++) CactusWave/IDScalarWaveElliptic (requires a WaveToyXX thorn, CartGrid3D, EllBase) - elliptic initial data for 3D scalar wave application CactusWave/WaveBinarySource (requires a WaveToyXX thorn, an IDScalarWaveXX thorn, CartGrid3D) - orbiting sources for a 3D scalar wave CactusWave/WaveToyC - evolver for 3D scalar wave (C) CactusWave/WaveToyCXX - evolver for 3D scalar wave (C++) CactusWave/WaveToyF77 - evolver for 3D scalar wave (F77) CactusWave/WaveToyF90 - evolver for 3D scalar wave (Fixed form F90) CactusWave/WaveToyFreeF90 - evolver for 3D scalar wave (Free form F90) CactusExternal/ CactusExternal/FlexIO - library and interface for IEEEIO data format CactusExternal/jpeg6b - jpeg library ============================================================================ Further documentation on Cactus can be found at Please report bugs or feature requests using the tracking system at Please direct questions about compiling and running cactus to Comments and general questions should be directed to ============================================================================